Light texture,
Light voice,
You make me okay,
You are my choice.
Jixi Fox
Filed under: blog, Blogging Tagged: Art, books, culture, haiku, Photography, poetry, Relationships, writing
Jixi Fox entertains you...makes you jam to music, think to his poetry, laugh your ass of at his comedy and acting. Makes sense right?
Light texture,
Light voice,
You make me okay,
You are my choice.
Jixi Fox
Before we make it as lovers,
Could we be friends?
Could we make plans?
And execute them?
If that’s not the case,
Let’s chase away the chase,
Escape escape, we can’t be friends.
Jixi Fox
Originally posted on Wuji Seshat Nibada:
Hello everyone, I’m holding a poetry contest called “Seshat Nibada’s WordPress Challenge” which I invite you all to join.
1. Create an account on
2. Post your best poems
3. Enter them into the contest (on a periodic basis)
The first event starts today February 23rd, 2015:
Once you have created your account on writer’s cafe, go to this link:
Once there, click on Submit.
Also, add me as a friend on Writer’s Cafe: here:
Please comment here if you have decided to join, it’s open to everyone!
I will reward the best fresh authentic poems entered, and will feature the winners here.
Let me know what your wordpress site is and what your identity there is, do please reblog this, retweet this and on facebook as well to invite your friends who may be poets as well,
Thanks, will post details on this blog or…
View original 273 more words
My heart beats faster when around you,
I anticipate your every word and touch,
I anticipate everything about you so much,
I love you just the same, so so much.
Jixi Fox
I almost fainted,
I regained my stance,
Couldn’t hold my glass,
Shattered dreams in my presences,
I visioned something different,
My time here has fainted.
Jixi Fox
Photo Credit: to its respected copyright owner
(I do not own the rights to this photo)
Too late is exactly how I feel about our love,
Never to return,
Burned bridges every moment with you,
I refused to leave once,
Worse decision,
Love now gone,
A lot I have lost,
Now I am my own love’s boss,
I rallied up and left,
Left our dreams,
Based on today’s reality,
Love’s death,
In a pail,
By the table,
Jixi Fox