What If I Had A Million Dollars?
Team CL-RK Blog Roll by: Jixi Fox
What If I Had A Million Dollars? – Feb. 2009
Jixi Fox’s Million Dollar Dream
www.jixifox.com / http://jixifox.wordpress.com / http://jixifox.blogspot.com
First of all, I believe you can survive of a just a million dollars. It’s all based on techniques, knowing your wants and needs and avoiding liabilities and gaining profitable assets.
As weird it may seem I am fairly a kind person who thinks of others before me, so upon obtaining one million dollars I would help others before satisfying my own wants and needs. Not too great of a trait but hey. But I surely have a breakdown and limit to spending my one million dollars.
First of all, GETTING TO ZERO comes first, for IMPORTANT family first then TOP friends, so with that my first amount spent goes like this and continues onward:
First: $100, 000: (Donations & Get out of Debt Card)
(60k) – Clears all debts in family and friends so much as that can stretches
(20k) – Various Donation to needy causes
(20k) – Create couple ($5,00) Scholarship Funds for High School Students going to College.
Second: $50,000: (Investment Funds)
(25k) – Open a Starter Investment Fund for my mother
(25k) – Open a Starter Investment Fund for my brother
Third: $100,000: (Spread the funds around)
(10k) Grandma -- (10k) BFF1-- (10k) BFF2 -- (10k) BFF3 – (10k) BBF4 – (10k) Mom
(10k) Bro – (10k) 3 family member to split – (10k) 2 Friends to Split – (10k) 2 people split
Fourth: $450,000: (MONEY IN THE BANK)
(450k) My Money in the bank, Split up into couple different accounts
Fifth: 100,000: (My Luxury and Pleasures)
(20k) Shopping Spree: Buying up all my favorite brand names
(50k) Car: Toyota Matrix & Porsche 911
(10k) Traveling: Europe (Italy, Rome, London, Greece and more)
(20k) Down payment and a crib – something small and simple
Sixth: 100,000: (My Investments)
Whatever the cost: (30k) Business Investments (housing, office, studio, equipments)
(30k) Business Enterprise 1
(20k) Business Enterprise 2
(20k) Branding, Trademarks and Copyrights to my Catalogs
In closing, I am very satisfied with my breakdown, I doubt it may change from what is written, there may be a bit of a variation on the amount costs, but one thing that someone might look crazy at is the house down payments, in which I would explain in this form, the interest of money made from investments and my MONEY IN THE BANK will pay for my house over time, I see it as a technique. And having my own business and etc. ensures I will always have a job. Well there you have it, Jixi Fox Million Dollar Dream.
Word of the Week: Perception
Link to Audio Podcast: http://www.imeem.com/jixifox
Link to Video Podcast: http://www.youtube.com/jixifox