Jixi Fox Quotable Countdown
Briefing: Jixi Fox Quotable is a “25 day” mini series for December 2009 right in time for Christmas by Jixi Fox. Jixi Fox wants pose his creative, logical and more quotes to the world to see if anyone will enjoy them or would like to follow them. Being totally selfless Jixi Fox decided to post a great quote along with his. Isn’t Jixi Fox so kind? Well read up and comment if you like his quotes or the quotes of his choice. Will Jixi Fox make it? Stay Tuned.
Jixi Fox Quotable 1
December 1, 2009
"Imagine me flier than you and tell me what it looks like,
Now focus on the truth that I am flier than you!"
Jixi Fox
Jixi Fox Alternate Quote 1
December 1, 2009
"I state the stats to stunt, I don't need to front,
I make black history everyday I don't need a month."
Kanye West
Copyrighted 2009 Jixi Fox Quotable
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