Monday, July 25, 2016



the revolution

We are open vessels,
We take in,
We let out,
We get in,
We get out,
But what if,
We just can’t?
We can’t choose to not do,
We can’t choose to ignore,
We must pick a door to open,
We have to choose a door to close,
We have to change something today,
What change we will make?
For a revolution is within our thoughts,
We can express almost everything,
We have words,
We have actions,
We have nerves,
We have reactions,
But what will it take,
For us to take a step forward,
Is it when we can’t take a step back?
Speak today,
Stand up and make a change,
Write your every thought out,
There will be someone who feels the same.

Written By: IG/FB @ixifox
Snapchat: @jixifox
Copyrighted 2016 – Jixi Fox
*Note:  This is a series for bloggers, poets, writers, music artist to contribute as a whole and as a community each week.  Simply submit a verse/poem/prose/haiku under 100 words to be featured in the series #JixiOpenMicMonday on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram…Also you can DM me @jixifox on my social networks.  Only one entry per week, and I pick the best who follows the guidelines.

Share your thoughts on the on tonight’s open mic…Leave a comment & share…
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Blogging, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, daily prompts, Inspiration, opinion, Photography, Poem, postaday, Spoken Word, writing

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