Monday, August 22, 2016




I know you want me now,
But I aint great,
I am real,
Not fake,
I am sick,
But no wounds on me,
I am trying for better,
So I have to get through any weather,
And flood the streets,
With my everything,
Open the gates…

Written By: IG/FB @ixifox
Snapchat: @jixifox
Copyrighted 2016 – Jixi Fox
*Note:  This is a series for bloggers, poets, writers, and music artist to contribute as a whole and as a community each week.
Simply submit a verse/poem/prose/haiku under 100 words to be featured in the series #JixiOpenMic on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Also you can DM me @jixifox on my social networks.  Only one entry per week, and I pick the best who follows the guidelines and have a voice & words to share…

Share your thoughts on tonight’s open mic…Leave a comment & share…
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Blogging, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, daily prompts, Inspiration, opinion, Photography, Poem, postaday, Spoken Word, writing

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