Monday, May 16, 2016



Romantic boy girl husband wife

What are you waiting for?
Take the world by storm,
Grind all day,
When you are done,
You can yawn,
Put your hands down,
Are you ready to win?
This ain’t an exhibition,
This the ish you need to be in,
This is the championship,
Go hard or go home,
You might be on a team alone,
But over time,
You team will be a fleet,
Instead of a lonely boat,
Keep your eye on the prize,
Try to be alive,
Even if you don’t have the drive,
You better get off your ass and try,
We win some,
We lose some,
But don’t let them fools come,
Pull up in front,
That’s not what them dudes want,
Because you about,
To move something,
Your heart,
Because if it aint for that beating,
You speaking your mind,
Putting in that time,
Will you survive,
To the end,
To lift that trophy,
Blessings upon blessing,
For your ambition was a GOD SEND.
Written By: IG/FB @ixifox
Snapchat: @jixifox
Copyrighted 2016 – Jixi Fox
*Note:  This is a series for bloggers, poets, writers, music artist to contribute as a whole and as a community each week.  Simply submit a verse/poem/prose/haiku under 100 words to be featured in the series #JixiOpenMicMonday on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram…Also you can DM me @jixifox on my social networks.  Only one entry per week, and I pick the best who follows the guidelines.

Share your thoughts on the on tonight’s open mic…Leave a comment & share…
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Blogging, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, books, Inspiration, opinion, Photography, Poem, poetry, Relationships, Spoken Word

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