Tuesday, August 30, 2016


taste my lips

Every single glance,
How, her lips would quench my thirst,
Her touch, hands, so sweet.


Photo Credit: Google Images

Instagram: @jixifox
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, books, haiku, Inspiration, Photography, Poem, poetry, postaday, Relationships, Spoken Word http://ift.tt/2bAocmo




So much life I was given,
I am thankful,
I often pause and think,
I am blessed,
I may not have everything,
But I am thankful for everything,
I am thankful for waking each morning,
I am thankful for the sky,
I am thankful for dirty dishes,
For I was able to eat a meal and dine,
I am thankful for my mother,
The loveliest lady alive,
I am thankful for the writers in the world,
For through their works,
I was able to build my smarts up high,
There are so many things to be thankful for,
And honestly I am thankful for them all,
I just want to give back to the world,
As a big thank you, most of all…

PS: I just released an album today – HEART LIES (check it out)

Written by: Jixi Fox
Copyrighted 2016: Jixi Fox

Source Image: Google Images
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, daily prompts, fiction, haiku, Literature, Poem, poetry, postaday, Relationships, writing http://ift.tt/2bAciO7

Introducing Content Options: An Easy New Way to Make Visual Changes to Your Site

WordPress.com News

We’re excited to announce a newly launched Customizer panel called Content Options.

The Content Options section gives you an easy way to make small visual modifications across your site—like hiding the post date or displaying an excerpt instead of a full post, with no custom CSS needed!

There are three main features for now:

  • Blog Display: choose between displaying the full content of each post or an excerpt on the blog and category, tag, and date archive pages. A “default” option is also available for themes that mix excerpts and full posts based on post format.
  • Author Bio: Hide the author bio on single posts.
  • Post Details: Show or hide the post date, tags, or categories.

You can see Content Options in action in this video:

Check out the full support documentation to learn more about how these new theme options work.

Not all the themes support all these features…

View original post 93 more words

Filed under: Poetry http://ift.tt/2bAa1CN

Monday, August 29, 2016



Young girl doing a bad signal over white background

Believe it or not,
The hand is quicker than the eyes
They move in shadows,
They can attack you on the fly,
Goodbye in waves,
Hello & Hi,
With a hand shake,
Can you feel trust,
Or it’s just a sense,
What makes a man’s gesture authentic,
For a woman to consider him a gentleman,
I just want to open up eyes,
Than deceive them with trickery,
I want everything to be believable,
I want people to be free from their traps,
And make life happen,
Just like that.
Written By: IG/FB @ixifox
Snapchat: @jixifox
Copyrighted 2016 – Jixi Fox
*Note:  This is a series for bloggers, poets, writers, and music artist to contribute as a whole and as a community each week.
Simply submit a verse/poem/prose/haiku under 100 words to be featured in the series #JixiOpenMic on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Also you can DM me @jixifox on my social networks.  Only one entry per week, and I pick the best who follows the guidelines and have a voice & words to share…

Share your thoughts on tonight’s open mic…Leave a comment & share…
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Blogging, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, daily prompts, Inspiration, opinion, Photography, Poem, postaday, Spoken Word, writing http://ift.tt/2bNur79



Heart Broken Quote

My heart melted,
I woke up in a cold sweat,
The temperature has risen,
Cold hearted vs the warmest,
Thoughts and love I had,
Now gone,
Wish I had saved the home,
We built,
But as I arrived after a long day of work,
I saw the for sale sign,
On the lawn,
I keep having hot flashes,
Seeing things I just don’t believe,
But they are real,
The love has passed away,
I feel so broken down,
On my knees at it’s grave,
I can’t deal.

Written by: Jixi Fox
Copyrighted 2016: Jixi Fox

Source Image: Google Images
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, daily prompts, fiction, haiku, Literature, Poem, poetry, postaday, Relationships, writing http://ift.tt/2c49N3v



stay calm

I need peace inside,
This is probably the shortest poem I will write,
To sit still and vegetate,
Lay back and meditate,
No hesitation of chili,
Calm, collected, real…

Written by: Jixi Fox
Copyrighted 2016: Jixi Fox

Source Image: Google Images
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

Filed under: blog, Poetry Tagged: Art, blogging, daily prompts, fiction, haiku, Literature, Poem, poetry, postaday, Relationships, writing http://ift.tt/2c1HhPI